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Radon evaluation - Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge to test for radon?
What is radon?
Is radon just a problem in the Midwest?
How do I find out if my home has unsafe levels of radon?
How does radon get into my home?
Can a radon problem be fixed?

How much do you charge to test for radon?
Wisconsin Rates:
$150 - radon test conducted with a home inspection
$180 - radon test conducted without a home inspection

Minnesota Rate: $195
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What is radon?
Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. You can't see radon. And you can't smell it or taste it. But it may be a problem in your home.

Radon comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. It can get into any type of building - homes, offices, and schools - and result in a high indoor radon level. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.

Radon is estimated to cause 15,000-22,000 deaths each year in the U.S. When you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.
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Is radon just a problem in the Midwest?
Radon can be found all over the U.S., but has a higher density in the Midwest. Nationwide, nearly 1 out of every 15 homes is estimated to have elevated radon levels. In Wisconsin, this statistic increases, with 1 out of every 4 homes having elevated radon levels, while in Minnesota 1 out of every 3 homes have elevated radon levels.
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How do I find out if my home has unsafe levels of radon?
Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. The EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all residences below the third floor for radon.
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How does radon get into my home?
Radon is a radioactive gas. It comes from the natural decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. It typically moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Your home traps radon inside, where it can build up. Any home may have a radon problem. This means new and old homes, well-sealed and drafty homes, and homes with or without basements.

Radon from soil gas is the main cause of radon problems. Sometimes radon enters the home through well water. In a small number of homes, the building materials can give off radon, too. However, building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves.

Radon gets in through:

  1. Cracks in solid floors
  2. Construction joints
  3. Cracks in walls
  4. Gaps in suspended floors
  5. Gaps around service pipes
  6. Cavities inside walls
  7. The water supply
radon illustration

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Can a radon problem be fixed?
Radon reduction systems work and they are not too costly. Some radon reduction systems can reduce radon levels in your home by up to 99%. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels. We do not install radon reduction systems; we only test for radon. If you need to find a qualified mitigation company, we would refer you to the National Environmental Health Association's web page

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Helpful links

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Radon Homepage

Minnesota Department of Health Radon Page

National Cancer Institute - Radon and Cancer Q & A


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License # 1692-106

National Environmental Health Association's Radon Proficiency Program logo

Proud member of the Minnesota Society of Housing Inspectors

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